The Canada Bulgaria Business Network (CBBN)

is a nonprofit organization committed to further the interest of its members. Our goal is the development of commercial and investment relations between Canada and Bulgaria. We bring together companies, entrepreneurs and professionals with a link to Bulgaria through origin, business, professionally or culturally. A membership in the CBBN will connect YOU with others in the community and allow you to explore opportunities in both countries and internationally.


Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Healthy and Prosperous 2025!



A picture gallery from CBBN events in toronto and in sofia throughout our ten year history

CBBN members foster the relations between Canadian and Bulgarian entrepreneurs, investors and institutions by:

  • Highlighting various products, services, technologies and marketing with the purpose of finding the right partners for business cooperation, partnerships, joint-ventures

  • Exploring acquisitions and mergers with proven Bulgarian companies, and offering support to innovative startups, which ultimately lead to the establishment of new enterprises with Canadian investment capital in Bulgaria

  • Investigating opportunities that Bulgaria presents as a beachhead for access to the greater Balkan and wider European area markets

  • Assisting Bulgarian companies in their endeavours to establish themselves and grow on the Canadian and Nord American markets

“Each business chamber in Toronto has it’s strengths.
However, CBBN events are at the top amongst the quality ones.”
— Milo Vassallo, Former Consul General of Malta and Member of the Consulate Corps